Archive for January, 2008

Non-Naija crush


The last two movies I’ve seen have starred this delicious man and I have to confess that I have a serious crush: His name is James Marsden and I just saw him in 27 Dresses.

Here’s a great article on what immigrant parents go through. That is exactly what my parents deal with all the time. A friend of mine has a plan to be able to support her parents in a few years’ time and I had already been thinking of how I can accomplish the same thing myself. […]

I wasn’t lying when I said you’d hear about the Naija men I’ve almost or never dated. We’ll make this the Friday feature (don’t worry, I don’t know that many guys so this will be over before long). I’ll go through the Nigerian men I’ve almost dated in reverse order, starting with the most recent. […]

I don’t have anything in common with those Nigerian girls. Who do I mean by “those” girls? The ones who: wear a ton of makeup have bubble butts are super skinny or super curvy with minimal body fat talk “Black” (African Americans) have men chasing them from day one have had a sexual partner or […]

I was talking with my mom yesterday, and I beggedasked her to help me find an eligible man (um, not that I’m desperate or anything because nothing is less sexy than a desperate woman, no matter how good she claims to be ;)). Specifically, I asked mummy to find me a guy who was Nigerian, […]

I won’t lie: you are going to hear a lot about this topic if you choose to stay around. Because I live in Canada, and not in a part that has a lot of Naija men, my friends have asked me over and over again why I think I’m going to marry a Nigerian. I […]